Official Website

Privacy Policy RIDAN Hotels in Portugal

Ridan Hotels -  -

Privacy statement

Rights and obligations

This Privacy Policy is intended to provide users of the websites hosted at,,,,, and (hereinafter referred to as "the Site") with detailed information on how RIDAN Hotels (hereinafter "RIDAN Hotels"), as the data controller, processes your personal data. This privacy notice informs you about the information we collect when you use our website. By collecting this information, we act as a data controller and, by law, we are obliged to provide you with information about us, why and how we use your data, and your rights over your data.

1. Who are we?
We are RIDAN Hotels. Our address is Travessa da Trindade, 16 5B 1200-469 Lisboa, Portugal. You can contact us by email at or by telephone on +351 211 327 841.

2. When you use our website
When you use our website to browse the products and services and view the information we make available, a number of cookies are used by us and third parties to enable the website to function, to collect useful information about visitors and to help make your user experience more enjoyable. Some of the cookies we use are strictly necessary for our website to function. For cookies that are useful but not strictly necessary, we will always ask for your consent before placing them. For more information on our use of cookies, please see our cookie policy.

2.1 Use of cookies
Cookies are small files that allow us to store specific user-related information on your computer when you visit our website. Cookies help us determine the number of users who have used our website, as well as their frequency of use, and allow us to organise our products and services in the most convenient and effective way possible for you. We use "session cookies", which are temporarily stored on your computer during the period in which you use our website. Session cookies are stored on your data carrier and are used to ensure specific settings and functionalities on our website via your browser. The cookies we use will be deleted at the end of the browser session, i.e. when you close your browser. We also use cookies on our website to analyse user browsing habits. In this way, the following data can be transmitted: search terms entered, frequency of page views, use of website functions. Technical measures are used to anonymise user data that is collected in this way. It is therefore not possible to assign data to an enquirer (data subject). The data will not be stored together with other personal data of the user. When you visit our website, you are informed about the use of cookies for analysis purposes. Your consent to the processing of personal data is also obtained in this context. At this point, the user is also referred to the data privacy policy.

3. When you use our website
When you use our website to browse the products and services and view the information we make available, a number of cookies are used by us and third parties to enable the site to function, to collect useful information about visitors and to help make your user experience more personal. Some of the cookies we use are strictly necessary for our website to function. For cookies that are useful but not strictly necessary, we will always ask for your consent before placing them. These are: Cookie name; Purpose; More information.

4. When you submit a form via our website
When you submit a form via our website, we ask you for your name, telephone number, role and email address. We use this information to respond to your enquiry, providing you with any requested information about our products and services. We may also send you emails after you submit forms to gauge your interest and ensure that we respond to your enquiry. We will do this based on our legitimate interest in providing you with accurate information prior to a sale. Your form is stored and processed as an email on our computers within the European Economic Area (EEA). We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you. We will keep the form email for two years, after which time it is archived and kept for seven years, after which time we delete it.

5. When you subscribe to our newsletter
When you sign up to receive our newsletter, we ask for your email address. We will ask for your consent to use the email address to send you our newsletter which contains information about our products and other information that may be of interest to you. You can withdraw your consent at any time and we will stop sending you the newsletter. Your email address is shared with an automated email delivery system based in the United States. This company has contractually undertaken to provide appropriate security for the processing of your personal data, which means that it will be protected in line with the legal requirements of the European Union. We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you. We keep your personal data for as long as we produce and distribute our newsletter. If you withdraw your consent, we will mark your data so that it is not used and delete it after two years.

6. When you download a sample document
When you request a download from our website, such as a white paper, we ask for your name, company name (which is optional) and your email address. We use this information to send you a link to download the requested document. We may also send you an email after your download to follow up on your interest in our products and services. We will do this on the basis of our legitimate interest in marketing to potential customers of our products and services. Your name and email address are shared with a payment system based in Luxembourg. This company is contractually committed to providing adequate security for the processing of your personal data, which means that it will be protected in accordance with the legal requirements of the European Union. We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you. Your personal data is stored for one year after you request the download, after which it is deleted.

7. When you submit a comment about us
When you submit a comment about us, we record your name, email address and IP (Internet Protocol) address, which is the address of your computer on the Internet. We use this information to provide independently verified opinions about our products and services to potential customers. Your name, the content of your comment and your email address may be publicly displayed on our website. We will do this on the basis of our legitimate interest in marketing our products and services. We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that may affect you. Your personal data is stored as long as we are marketing the product or services to which the comment relates, after which it will be deleted. You can ask us to remove your comment at any time.

8. Your rights as a data subject
By law, you can ask us what information we collect about you, and you can ask us to correct it if it is inaccurate. We ask for your consent to process your personal data; you can withdraw this consent at any time. We may process your personal data because you have given us consent or to fulfil a contract; you can ask us for a copy of the information in digital format so that you can transfer it to another provider. We may process your personal data because you have given us your consent or because we have a legitimate interest, you can request that your data be deleted. You have the right to ask us to suspend the processing of your personal data for a period of time if you believe that we are not doing so lawfully. Finally, in some circumstances, you can ask us not to carry out automated processing or profiling. To submit a request about your personal data you can do so by email, post or telephone. See the contact information provided above in the "Who are we?" section.

9. Right to complain
If you have a complaint about our processing of your personal data, we prefer that you contact us directly in the first instance so that we can resolve your complaint. However, you can also contact the National Data Protection Commission via its website at or at:
National Data Protection Commission
Av. D. Carlos I, 134, 1º
1200-651 Lisbon

10. Updates to this privacy policy
We will regularly review this policy and, where appropriate, update it as our services and processing of personal data evolve. If we intend to use your personal data in a way that we have not previously identified, we will contact you to provide information about that use and, if necessary, ask for your consent. We will update the version number and date of this document whenever it changes.

11. Personal Data Protection in Job Applications
When you submit your application for a position at RIDAN Hotels through our recruitment page, we will collect the following personal data: first and last name, age, city, phone number, email address, CV, as well as any other data you choose to provide. Please note that the indicated fields are mandatory.

Purpose of Data Collection
The data collected is for pre-contractual procedures, at the request of the data subject, for the purpose of processing recruitment, selection, and placement procedures for which you have applied. This collection includes the evaluation of the suitability of the application in relation to available job positions within our units.

Legal Basis for Processing
The legal basis for processing these data is our obligation to verify the candidate's suitability and rights for the position in question, which is an essential step before entering into an employment contract.

Candidates' Rights
Candidates have the right, upon request, to access, rectify, and delete their personal data. They may also request data portability and restrict or object to its processing.

Data Recipients
The recipients of the collected data are RIDAN Hotels, as the data controller, and, if necessary, our partners for selection and placement purposes.

Data Storage
Candidates' personal data will be stored for a period of 2 years from the conclusion of the recruitment process, unless a different legal provision determines otherwise.

Consequences of Data Omission
The data provided is essential for the continuation of the recruitment process. Failure or refusal to provide this information may hinder the proper continuation of the process and, consequently, the potential selection of the submitted application.

Right to Lodge a Complaint
Candidates have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority if they believe that their personal data is not being processed in accordance with applicable law.

By accepting this Privacy Policy, you are giving us permission to process your personal data solely for the identified and selected purposes. If consent is legally required for the processing of personal data, the data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. However, the withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing based on consent before its withdrawal, nor does it affect the subsequent processing of the same data based on another legal ground, such as compliance with a legal obligation to which RIDAN Hotels is subject. To withdraw your consent, you may contact us by letter or via the email address:

Contact for Data Protection Officer
For any questions related to data protection or to exercise your rights, you may contact our Data Protection Officer via email at: